This initiative started by Confindustria Genova and Dixet in October 2016 and subsequently developed with the contribution of DIH Liguria consists of a weekly meeting (7.30-9.00 am) dedicated to a topic of a technological nature.
The objective is to facilitate the free gathering of providers and users of new technologies in the area, stimulating networking and the creation of a community of subjects interested in technological/digital topics.
Coffeetech is also broadcast online via Facebook and the Webex platform.
See the list of meetings held to date
Join as a speaker!

Regulatory Monitor - Managers brought up to date for competitive businesses - is a new service for businesses and managers: an observatory to ensure the competitiveness and qualitative growth of SME management through information, dissemination, and continuing education programs. The initiative promoted by Confindustria and implemented by SFC with the support of 4Manager was established to oversee regulatory frameworks, both European and national, having a significant impact on corporate governance.
One of the topics addressed is the Transition Plan 4.0. It is a key part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, incisively contributing to the relaunching of investments, the recovery of the economy, and the modernization of the production system and of the country in line with the objectives of the European Next generation EU program.
Learn more!

Start 4.0 was established in January 2019 in response to the Directorial Decree of 29 January 2018 of the MISE (Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico) as a Competence Centre for the security and optimization of strategic infrastructures.
It has 5 domains of application: Energy, Transport, Production, Water, Ports
In compliance with a framework agreement at a national level between the Competence Centres and the Confindustria DHI network, DIH Liguria carries out business orientation activities on behalf of Start 4.0, including
• Assessment of digital maturity.
• Initial identification of the opportunities resulting from the assessment.
• Road map of possible project applications.
• Scouting and identification of companies interested in the CCs.
• Assistance for companies to interface with the CCs.
• Support for the definition of projects and case studies that require the skills of the CCs.
• Orientation and awareness raising (workshops, conferences, etc.)
• Dissemination of CC notices.
Visit the Competence Center website

The Digital Innovation Hub Liguria uses the Industry 4.0 Test developed by Assoconsult and the Politecnico di Milano to carry out an assessment of the digitalization level of the companies that request it.
The Test measures the digital maturity with respect to macro processes:
• Design and Engineering
• Maintenance
• Human Resources
• Production
• Supply Chain
• Quality
• Logistics
• Marketing
• Customer care and Sales
The results of the questionnaire prepared during the assessment process are divided into four domains:
1. Execution
2. Process Monitoring and Control
3. Technologies
4. Organizational Structure
The activities carried out by DIH Liguria involve a structured interview with top management, during which the Industry 4.0 Test is compiled, together with back office work in which the initial situation of the company is analysed and critical issues and opportunities are identified, evaluating:
• The maturity of the business processes and the information system supporting them.
• Corporate culture and internal skills.
• The business model used.
The evaluation process concludes with the drafting of a report that is presented to the company, aimed at improving products and processes and making space for the generation of new business models.
Are you interested? Contact us!

The Ama-DIH project aims to support the operation of Confindustria's DIHs through a pro-active labour policy. The project includes qualified and temporarily unemployed managerial personnel in the DIH, identified in collaboration with 4.Manager and Federmanager, with the necessary skills to support companies in carrying out the self-assessment tests of their digital maturity and able to suggest a roadmap with the possible corrective actions to undertake to start the digitalization of the company, both in terms of technologies and skills necessary for digitalization, together with a roadmap to access incentives, tax breaks and financing to support innovation 4.0.
Learn More!

DIH Liguria, together with Confindustria's Digital Innovation Hubs, collaborates in the development of the AENet 4.0 project, which aims to support the digital transformation of Ansaldo Energia's supply chain.
The project is designed in several phases, by homogeneous groups of companies, according to the following scheme:
1. identification of companies supplying goods and services to be involved in the project;
2. conducting the Industry 4.0 Test for the self-assessment of the company's "digital maturity";
3. contextual integration with a short test on the management of cybersecurity in the company, prepared by Ansaldo Energia;
4. participation in workshops for the restitution of aggregate data on digital maturity and the management of cybersecurity and a comparison with Ansaldo Energia's digital strategy;
4. identification of potential follow-ups to be implemented on a technological and organizational level.
To date, 103 suppliers considered strategic for Ansaldo Energia have been involved thanks to the joint action of 11 DIHs from just as many Italian Regions.
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Leonardo, in partnership with Confindustria's Digital Innovation Hub network, is launching a new initiative focused on the issues of industry 4.0 and cyber security dedicated to its key suppliers, included in the ELITE Leonardo Lounge, to assist them in their digital transformation.
The initiative is a further step forward in the Leonardo supply chain development project which aims to favour the evolution of the “supply chain” into a “value chain.”
There are over 40 SMEs involved, all key suppliers of Leonardo, from 12 different Regions, representing an aggregate turnover of €1 billion and a total workforce of over 5,700, which will follow a specific training roadmap.
The companies participating in this initiative, assisted by the Confindustria DIH network, will be assessed in terms of digital maturity and cybersecurity and then oriented towards a progressive digital transformation, in order to seize the opportunities related to the development of 4.0 technologies. The project will also support the networking of suppliers towards the Industry 4.0 innovation ecosystem - from smart factories to Competence Centres, from research centres to providers of enabling technologies - leading to the achievement of the LEAP2020 program goal of making Leonardo's suppliers more innovative, competitive and sustainable.
Learn more!

Support for the digital transformation of key suppliers of the Hitachi Rail Italy supply chain.
The Campania Digital Innovation Hub has launched the DIHitachi Supply Chain Project which will assist key suppliers of the railway sector - led by Hitachi Rail Italy - in the digital transformation process.
10 suppliers involved
17 participating suppliers
8 Confindustria network DIHs

This is a supply chain project aiming at the technological evolution of companies of the petrochemical and energy industry (ChEnPe).
Phases of the project:
• February kick-off: registration of participants (target 15-25 companies of the 53 members of the Group)
• March-May assessment: carrying out the Industry 4.0 Test with the assistance of DIH Liguria and the provision of a final report to the individual companies
• June processing of supply chain data and presentation: workshop comparing the participating companies and the Start 4.0 Competence Centre for the identification of the roadmap
From July: implementation of the roadmap and possible second phase for other companies.
Learn more!

The goal is to make examples of 4.0 technologies developed and/or implemented at the regional level by companies, research bodies, or other organizations located in Liguria, explicit and useable in the national and international context.
The project also aims to identify usable examples through the compilation of the "Technological solution identification" form and subsequent integration of it with the "Map of enabling technology solutions" based on the sector of reference and the technology used.
After evaluation and approval by the DIH Liguria Scientific Technical Committee, the technological solution is published on the Association's website and disseminated within the context of the digital maturity assessments and DIH Liguria's activities in the sphere of the network of Confindustria's Digital Innovation Hubs.
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With respect to the Confindustria DIH network, a Showcase Factory (Fabbrica Vetrina) is a production plant, open for visits by other companies, in which one or more "Industry 4.0" enabling technologies are applied.
Currently in Liguria, the Showcase Factories are:
San Giorgio Seigen SpA, a metalworking company, which in recent years has developed a digital transformation of its production structure and has been involved in the Ansaldo Energia supply chain project (AENet 4.0) thanks to the interest of the young members of the entrepreneurial family.
Noberasco SpA, a company in the food sector, at the forefront in its digitalization process. It is characterized by a fully automated production plant.
Propose your company as a Showcase Factory!
Learn more and consult the list of Italian Showcase Factories

I4ES "Innovation for a Sustainable Economy" aims to highlight good practices for innovation 4.0 and circular economy. From April to December 2021, webinars will be organized in collaboration with the Sole24Ore Innovation Days. During each event, attention will be focused on: enabling technologies for industry 4.0, business models, tax breaks, collaborations and partnerships with Digital Innovation Hubs and Competence Centres.
I4ES includes 10 stages, each of which will involve the Confindustria network Digital Innovation Hubs together with the showcase factories in the geographical area of reference. For each stage, relevant transitions are explained and discussed.
Learn more!

The pan-European DIH-HERO project aims to create a European platform to promote the dissemination and adoption of next-generation robotic technologies in the healthcare sector within the European market.
DIH Liguria together with the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, was responsible for publicizing the initiative at a regional and national level through the Confindustria DIH network, and also promoting the participation of local companies.
Visit the DIH-HERO website

By virtue of a memorandum of understanding signed in March 2020, DIH Liguria, Start 4.0, the University of Genoa, the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Liguria Digitale have promoted the joint candidacy to EDIH according to the new Digital Europe program of the European Union, responding to the call made by MISE (Italian Economic Development Ministry).
The initiative calls for the establishment of the AMAVE Hub which is proposed as a centre of specialization within the "blue economy" for the provision of highly specialized services, in particular with reference to artificial intelligence, high performance computing, and IT security.
Other partners involved are CNR, Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo, CINI, CNIT, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, and Bio4Dreams.
Learn more!

“Smart working - From the exception to the rule: new habits and new approaches to work"
Fondirigenti, the Interprofessional Fund to promote the dissemination of managerial culture, the competitiveness of companies, and the employability of managers, has entrusted Digital Innovation Hub Liguria with a research project to support and assist management in the transition to the 'smart working' paradigm.
Who is the initiative oriented toward?
Ligurian companies representing the High-Tech sector.
The project must have the objective of preparing, testing and validating an assessment model on smart working: The tool must analyse the cornerstones that enable the use of smart working in a structured manner.
The fundamental elements that will be considered are:
• availability of digital technologies and security systems in data management;
• current situation of business processes, their regulatory, contractual, and organizational framework, and the actual possibility to benefit from remote work;
• personnel with the skills and motivation.
Core activities
The Project includes:
1. the preparation and development of an assessment model on smart working. The model must make it possible to conduct an evaluation of the company's current predisposition to maintain and/or develop smart working processes.
2. the identification of a panel of at least 20 Ligurian companies representing the high tech sector to test the assessment model on their own business and then participate in an experience-sharing workshop;
3. a workshop to validate the results with Fondirigenti and local stakeholders;
4. the preparation of a report on the results of the research at the end of the project;
5. the preparation of an ex post survey on smart working to be conducted after the conclusion of the Project in order to validate the impact of the proposed model for those companies that expressed an interest in participating;
6. the creation of a Project summary video that can also be used for the purposes of communication and dissemination by means of traditional, online and social media.
For information and in depth analysis contact
Lorenzo Costa This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; Mariella Ferraro This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Project financed by Fondirigenti