Training is the main tool for adapting the world of work and, more generally, society to changes in development models and the transformation of economies. In particular, accepting the digital transition that contemporary societies are experiencing is paramount: investments in human resources and qualified skills increase the competitiveness of companies and make it easier to cope with economic shocks.
The scope of the study of the supply and demand regarding digital skills in Liguria aims to:
• make the Region a relevant player in the national and European arena in terms of the digital skills of its workforce and citizens;
• identify the digital skills that can be the subject of training;
• identify the subjects, public and private, who provide training for the purposes of the digital transition;
• research new teaching models and places for training (e.g. the growing number of academies).

As part of the "Strategic Initiatives" promoted by Fondirigenti, an analysis of the needs for the use of artificial intelligence and blockchain has been published. Sistemi Formativi Confindustria responded to the notice by involving the Confindustria DIH network. DIH Liguria has expressed interest in participating by involving 7 local companies.

DIH Liguria and T&G, a FOS Group company, won the tender in response to the European DIH-World call. The goal of the proposal is the realization of an innovative experiment capable of integrating anthropocentric technologies based on AR, IoT, AI in the solutions currently proposed by T&G to support the worker and allow him greater safety. The experiment will last for 6 months.
The project was launched on October 15, 2021 and provides coaching activities for the business model of DIH Liguria.
Find out more
DIH-WORLD official website