Cycle of seminars held in La Spezia with the goal of raising awareness and increasing knowledge about the opportunities offered by new technologies in digitalization, organizational and technological innovation fields..
The recipients are people already employed and operating in the business world as well as young people about to join them.

Cycle of meetings related to the topics of innovation and digitalization organized by Digital Innovation Hub Liguria and Confindustria Imperia.

Single day event dedicated to new technologies and their role in Genoese companies where DIH Liguria, Liguria Digitale, the University of Genoa, GGallery, IIT and ITS-ICT collaborated together.
The central theme was the IoT and Arduino technology, one of the world leaders in the production of development boards at the base of IoT technologies.

Project funded by Fondirigenti which provided for the organization of 10 workshops organized at a local level to engage Ligurian companies on the topic of digitalization.

In-depth meetings focused on Vouchers for innovation consulting services in order to support the technological and digital transformation processes of SMEs and business networks through the introduction of managerial positions in companies capable of implementing the enabling technologies provided for by the National Business Plan 4.0.

Call for Innovation launched by Ansaldo Energia aimed at all Italian innovative start-ups and SMEs able to design and implement advanced technology solutions applicable to their production processes. Eleven companies were selected, from among the 160 that expressed interest in participating in the Call for Innovation and 90 proposed projects, to support Ansaldo Energia in the construction of the Industry 4.0 Plan Lighthouse Plant.

Networking initiative promoted by Confindustria Genoa together with Digital Innovation Hub Liguria about the Smart Factory, preparatory to the Confindustria National Connext matching event.
Connext Genoa is aimed at presenting new technology solutions and B2B meetings to promote knowledge and the introduction of tools that can accelerate innovation processes for all companies, whether involved in manufacturing or services.
Schedule for the day:
• Morning: eight parallel sessions, centred on the illustration of enabling technologies 4.0, developed by Ligurian companies (in Italy or abroad).
• Afternoon: the companies which presented in the morning and the participants in the sessions will have the opportunity further explore the topics addressed in a special B2B session.